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Former Chapter 7 Trustee

Kindlund Legal LLC.
  • Navigating Bankruptcy In Cheltenham, MD

    Facing financial hurdles can be daunting, and for folks in Cheltenham, MD, bankruptcy might seem like a beacon of hope to reclaim their economic stability. Knowing how this step will affect your assets is vital if you’re running a business as a sole owner or part of a corporation or partnership. We at Kindlund Legal LLC are well-versed in the twists and turns of bankruptcy law, and we’re here to help make sense of it all for you.

    Let’s talk about what happens to your business assets when bankruptcy enters the picture. You’ll need to lay out everything—assets, debts, the whole nine yards—on the bankruptcy petition, which is the official paper trail you submit to the court. If you’re a sole proprietor, your business and personal assets are the same, and in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, they’re all up for grabs. Thankfully, some exemptions can cover your back, letting you keep some key assets.

    It’s a different ball game for corporations, partnerships, and LLCs. Their assets are fully included in Chapter 7 proceedings. The bankruptcy trustee will hold the reins on these assets to see if they’re exempt or not worth bothering about for the bankruptcy estate.

    Conducting Business Amidst Bankruptcy

    Running a business while you’re in the throes of bankruptcy is tricky. If you’re a sole proprietor, you cannot keep your business going after filing for Chapter 7. That’s why options like Chapter 13 or Chapter 11 might be better if you can’t afford to pause operations.

    Exemptions are your lifeline to keep certain assets off the bankruptcy table. These legal shields can protect the tools and equipment you need to run your business, not to mention any intellectual property you own. Although corporations and partnerships can’t use exemptions the same way, if the trustee considers their assets unnecessary, they might just get them back.

    Getting a “discharge,” which means you’re off the hook for your debts, is a huge relief and a major goal of bankruptcy. Yet, it’s not a clean slate for all debts, and companies like corporations and partnerships won’t get this benefit. They might have to think about dissolving and starting fresh, which is something to discuss with a legal eagle like us.

    Diving back into business after bankruptcy is a possibility, but tread lightly. Moving assets to a fresh venture needs a sharp eye to avoid any legal snares. If it looks like you’re just rebooting the old business under a new name, you could get into hot water for fraudulent transfers.

    Here at Kindlund Legal LLC, we get the nitty-gritty of bankruptcy law and its impact on local businesses. If you’re in a financial bind and thinking about bankruptcy as your next step, reach out. We’re dedicated to guiding you through this maze and safeguarding your assets as much as the law allows.

    Choosing Between Chapter 7 And Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

    When weighing the differences between filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 11, it’s like choosing between starting over or reshaping what you already have. Chapter 7 is the clean slate option, where your non-exempt assets are sold off to settle debts, clearing the slate of most unsecured debts. It’s a quick exit for those who just want to get out from under the debt and move on, especially if there’s no intention or means to revamp their financial situation or business operations.

    Chapter 11, though, is for those looking for a comeback. It’s for businesses that see a future beyond their debts, offering a chance to stay in the game by restructuring how they’ll pay back what they owe. It can mean reduced payments or more time to pay off debts, which can be a lifesaver for a struggling business that still has a pulse. It’s more complex and demands more from you regarding court dealings and reports, but it keeps the doors open and the dream alive.

    For a pile of unsecured debt like credit card bills or medical expenses, Chapter 7 might be your best bet. But if you’re a business owner with eyes on the prize of profitability, Chapter 11 could be your golden ticket. Think about what you own and what you can’t bear to lose; Chapter 7 can mean saying goodbye to some assets, while Chapter 11 often lets you hold onto them. Your income and how you can handle repayments also come into play—Chapter 11 requires a repayment plan, whereas Chapter 7 doesn’t.

    The Role Of Automatic Stay And Bankruptcy Attorney

    If you’re in Cheltenham, MD, bankruptcy immediately throws you a few lifelines. An automatic stay kicks in when you file, holding off your creditors and giving you space to breathe. You could wipe out a lot of your debt and get a new lease on your financial life, and for businesses filing Chapter 11, there’s even a chance to get some financing to keep things running during the bankruptcy.

    Bankruptcy’s Impact On Individuals And Businesses

    Then there’s the role of a bankruptcy attorney, like the team at Kindlund Legal LLC. They’re your financial guide, helping you determine which bankruptcy chapter fits your situation, handling the nitty-gritty of paperwork and filings, and standing up for you in negotiations or court. They’re with you before, during, and after, ready to help you rebuild or start afresh post-bankruptcy.

    Bankruptcy’s no walk in the park, and the stakes are high whether you’re an individual or a business. That’s where Kindlund Legal LLC steps in, offering the know-how and support to navigate the choppy waters of financial distress in Cheltenham, MD, and beyond.

    Jillian Kindlund

    Call Now For A Complimentary Case Evaluation
    (240) 997-5775
    Former Chapter 7 Trustee

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